If you’re looking for a job that is not only fulfilling and meaningful but will also be enriching the lives of the elderly please join our team and become a Personal Care Worker at Pine Valley Assisted Living Center where core person-directed values are: choice, dignity, respect, self-determination and purposeful living for elders. Our community is a brand new state of the art building that is scheduled to open October 6th!
Not sure what a personal care worker is or what they do, or considering a new career in healthcare…
Call, email, or send us a Facebook message, we will be happy to speak with you! Or you may join us on Tuesday July 19th from 9am-11am and 4pm-6pm where we will host an Introduction to this new career path and where you can inquire about other opportunities to move up the career ladder in the long-term care field.
Earn while you learn!
All training needed will be provided and paid for by Pine Valley for their employees! (Class dates and time to be determined, mid August –September) Once training is complete, you will be placed on the Wisconsin Assisted Living Registry. We have benefit-eligible positions that include Wisconsin State Retirement and the added perk of working in a home-like environment with onsite mentoring and resident directed care.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
Call us at 608-647-2138 and ask for Chris or Bobbi
Email: http://pinevalleycommunity.org/contact/
Facebook: Pine Valley Community Village